Toxic Waste Tabby

 Although this looks like a mercy killing similar to drowning Kaspian Kitty, Toxic Waste Tabby will in fact suffer a slow, lingering death as a result of the desertification of the Aral Sea. 

Soviet water policy mandated the diversion of Central Asian rivers from the Aral Sea to cotton fields, where citizens (including children) were forced to grow that cash crop. Over time, the result was this:

The former sea bed is now a toxic wasteland, spreading a cornucopia of deadly "forever chemicals" for hundreds of miles whenever there is a dust storm. 

But wait, that's not all! Toxic Waste Tabby also faces the low probability but high hazard threat of dying from a Soviet bio weapon! Before the Aral Sea shrank, the eerily named Resurrection Island housed the Soviet Union's leading bio weapons lab, where scientists weaponized smallpox, anthrax and even that OG death spreader, The Bubonic Plague. That island is now very much part of the dusty plains, likely accounting for occasional mass die offs of local fauna.

Toxic Waste Tabby™, WELCOME TO HELL. 

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